Friday, February 5, 2010

Ancient Muay Thai(thai Boxing)

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Muay Boran is another name for the ancient Thai boxing. It is a traditional form of Muay Thai, which is still taught and practiced in Thailand. Muay Boran is still practiced and taught in order to preserve the Muay Thai boxing techniques of history before the advent of formalized rules and the introduction of gloves in the 1930s. Muay Boran is the ancestor of Muay Thai 

Basic Muay Thai Techniques


Martial Arts Muay Thai has its own technology. It involves the use of nine weapons. The head, fists, elbows, knees and feet are known collectively as na-wa arwud. But today, the use of the head is no longer allowed in the Muay Thai fights. Muay Thai is used in low-conflict (the melee) for defense and attack. Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: Mae Mai or major

Muay Thai-thai Kickboxing


Muay Thai or Thai boxing ring has been described as the toughest sport in the world and is the deadliest form of martial arts. Also known as “the science of eight members, it is a hard style of martial arts, also involved the use of the head, elbows, knees and shins as weapons. Although most of the world knows he will be exclusively from Thailand, it comes from the term Muay Boran and is also practiced in other countries in the 

The History of Muay Thai


Thai originating, Muay Thai is a popular sport in many countries of Eastern Europe. Amazingly, like they started a martial arts such as Krabi Krabong (a Siamese Martial Arts), where the weapons used were known. That’s pretty unique if you consider that in the Muay Thai modern weapons are not used. Krabong Krabi students do not use the same hand to hand

An Insight Into Muay Thai Kick Boxing


The exact date muay Thai kick-boxing was started is hard to define, but return to the Middle Ages. King Nareasen was made famous in 1560 AD, when he saw a chance to fight for his freedom. Nareasan King was victorious, freed and returned home, where he said fighting style (then called Siamese style boxing) a national sport. The art of Muay Thai kickboxing is, as

Basic Rules of Muay Thai


Muay Thai, which focuses on both offense and defense as well as on stamina, is a martial art anyone can learn: men, women, young or old. With the interest in Muay Thai growing fast, the martial art schools in Europe, America and Asia, they began their studies. To learn it, the player should know some basics of Muay Thai. Muay Thai is carried out in five minutes, three

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