Friday, February 5, 2010

Basic Muay Thai Techniques


Martial Arts Muay Thai has its own technology. It involves the use of nine weapons. The head, fists, elbows, knees and feet are known collectively as na-wa arwud. But today, the use of the head is no longer allowed in the Muay Thai fights. Muay Thai is used in low-conflict (the melee) for defense and attack. Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: Mae Mai or major

techniques and Luk May or small technical divided. All techniques in Muay Thai use the whole body motion, the rotation of the hip, in whole or in part, at each stroke, kick and block. 

Therefore, Muay Thai apart from other forms of Kampfkunst.Punching Techniques: (Chok) Straight punch = Mud Mud DhrongHook = Wjang SanSwing = Mud Wjang YaoSpinning Back fist = Mud Wjang GlabUpper Cut = Mud SeubCobra Punch = Kra – Dod ChokOver Head Punch = Mud judges KhoukDie fighting in Muay Thai points less on the fighters for the punching techniques as they are generally less effective and more powerful than kicks or knee drops. Body punching is also used less in Muay Thai because it defines the hunter’s head, strikes the knee or elbow Gegner.Elbow Techniques: (Dhee Sork) Elbow Slash = Sork DHEEHorizontal Elbow = Sork DhadUpper Cut Elbow = Sork elbow NgadForward Thrust = Sork PoonkReverse Horizontal elbow = Sork wjang GlabSpinning Elbow = Sork = GlabElbow Chop Chop SapDouble Elbow = Sork Sork Glab KooMid Air Elbow Strike = Gra-Dode SorkDer elbow in seven species in Muay Thai, horizontally, diagonally upward diagonal downwards, uppercut, downward, uses spinning backwards, and theft. The elbow is also used by the sides as a finishing or making an eyebrow cut the enemy to bleed. Bleeding blocks the vision and also affects the performance of Kämpfer.Kicking Techniques: (DHE) Kick Straight Kick = = DHE DHE DhrongNussknacker Paa MaakRound House DhadDiagonal Kick Kick = = DHE DHE ChivangHalf spin, half knee kick = DHE Krueng Kheng Krueng KaoSpinning Hill Kick =

DHE Glab Langdown roundhouse kick = DHE Kodax Hill Kick = = DHE kick KhoukWechseln Gra-Dode DheStep Kick Up = DheDie yiep occur frequently in Muay Thai are Foot Jab (Theep) and Kick (Tae), upward the shape of a triangle orientation of ribs and arms (Chieng). This corner kick in Muay Thai has been on many other forms of martial arts because it is very effective. The kick round house is almost similar to use kicks in karate or taekwondo. Many Muay Thai fighters also uses cons rotation of his arms to the power of his kick better. A Muay Thai fighter is always taught to hit him in the shins. Although the shin is very sensitive to a person untrained tibia is the strongest part of the leg than the foot, because it contains fine bones and techniques well schwächer.Knie: (DHE KAO) Straight Knee Strike = Kao DhrongDiagonal Knee Strike = Kao ChijangBiegen Knee Strike = Kao KouwngHorizontal Strike Knee Slap = = DhadKnee Kao Kao Kao DhobKnee Bomb = YouwnFlying Knee Strike = Kao LoiStep Strike up knee knee = technical yiepAndere Kao – Kao Dode: (Jumping Knee Strike) Jump on a leg and beaten with legs and knees. – Kao Loi: (Flying Knee Strike) Take step (s), skip forward and one leg and strike with the legs, knees. – Kao Tone: (strike the right knee), it moves forward. No upward if the militants holding opponents head in a clinch and intend to knee in the upper face. – Kao Noi: (Small knee strike) If the inside of the thigh (above knee) when the opponent Clinchen.Foot Thrust Techniques: (Theep) Straight Foot Thrust = DhrongSideways Foot Thrust = TEEP TEEP TEEP cut KangReverse Foot Thrust = thrust long tongue Glab TEEP = DhobJumping Foot Thrust = Gra-Dode TEEP is also known as “push-kicks,” known and commonly used in Muay Thai. It is mainly used to attack the enemy attack, and get the opponent out of Gleichgewicht.Kämpfer Arm Clinch Position: There is a difference of Muay Thai boxing in the West. During the arm position the melee fighters are separate in western boxing, but they are not in Muay Thai. There are several techniques in Muay Thai Clinch is including: – Side Arm Clinch Clinch Clinch techniques and low Schwanenhals.Defensive cons attacks: It is divided into six groups: 1 Blocking: Defenders prevent hard block to stop a strike in the path to their goal erreichen.2. Redirection Change: Defender Soft Parade instructions of a strike so he misses his Ziel.3. Avoidance: Moving a body part swiftly out of the way or end of a strike, so that the position of the opponent for a counter Strike.4. Evasion: moving the body from the road or track a Streik.5. Disruption: Pre-Angriffs.6 a target. Anticipation: Defender catching a strike or a fight before the find.


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